Nice story. I wished more kids would read about these kind of things. It helps them to see things in perspective (both the bullies and victims).
I always managed to stay in the middle grounds during growing up; I later understood that being unpredictable (bullies didn’t know if I was an easy target, other people could go along with me fine) was what led me through high school smoothly.
There were some periods of people annoying me a little but those were the “wanna be funny and popular” people. They were stereotype people living on their own with their parents (if any) being absent all the time.
I felt sorry for them back then already, which kept me from being afraid or annoyed: I could put things in perspective and — as long as things didn’t get physical — I didn’t mind. This tends to discomfort (or confuse) bullies, too: not being able to get a grasp on someone.
One period, I got bullied by a girl who was b*tching on me all the time. It took a month or so before my bucket got full, and I gave her a verbal shout out that made here pause and quiet.
She later came to me to apologise (had a tough period with parents divorcing) and we got along just fine after that.
I’m not saying that bullying is ok (far from it) but kids can’t rationalise things like adults can. They need to vent their frustration and issues and unfortunately, other kids are often the targets of that.